
How to Upload a CSV in Pardot

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How to Upload a CSV in Pardot

Step 1: Navigating to Account Engagement Email Tab


  • Log into Salesforce: This is your login to the Salesforce platform, where Pardot is integrated.
  • Click the App Launcher: Think of this as the starting point for various tools.
  • Search for “Account Engagement”: Use the search bar to find “Account Engagement.”
  • Click “Account Engagement” under Apps: This is where you’ll find the necessary tools.


Step 2: Creating and Exporting the Contact Report

  • Click “Reports”: It’s like opening a folder to access reports.
  • Check for Existing Pardot Import Report: Ensure there isn’t an existing report for Pardot import.
  • Create a New Report: If needed, create a new report with the “Contacts and Account” report type.
    • Make sure the report includes two fields: Contact ID and Email.
  • Save and Run the Report: This generates the report data.
  • Enter Report Details: Give your report a name and save it in the right folder.
  • Export Report: Click the down arrow next to the “Edit” button and select “Export.”


  • Select “Details Only”: This is the data you want to export.
  • Choose “Comma Delimited .csv”: This format is suitable for your data.
  • Click Export: Get your report data in CSV format.


Step 3: Uploading a CSV in Pardot

  • Access Account Engagement Settings: Click on the “Account Engagement Settings” tab in the navigation bar. (1 In Image)
  • Click “Imports”: This is where you manage data imports. (2 In Image)
  • Choose File to Upload: Select “Create and update prospects using Salesforce Lead or Contact ID” radio button. (3 a) In Image)
    • You can drag and drop the CSV file or upload it from your computer.
      (3 b) In Image)
  • Check Compliance Checkbox: Ensure your data complies with regulations.
    (3 c) In Image)
  • Click Next: Move to the next step. (3 d) In Image)


  • Map Contact ID and Email: Confirm that the contact ID and email fields are correctly mapped.
  • Select Overwrite Option: If needed, choose to overwrite data for specific fields like Email or First Name.

  • Choose a Campaign: Assign prospects to a campaign.
  • Add Tags (optional): Tag your prospects for easy identification.

  • Make Sure “Import prospects and add to the list(s)” is Selected: This ensures your data goes to the right lists.
  • Choose Lists: Select existing lists or create a new one.
    • Provide a name and select a folder for the new list.
    • Save the list.
  • Review and Confirm: Check for duplicates and ensure your settings are correct.
  • Click Confirm & Save: Save your changes and complete the upload.

That’s it! You’ve successfully uploaded a CSV in Pardot to manage your prospect data.